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Pool expert is the trade mark of BG Handel OOD. Our company deals in direct import, delivery and mounting of swimming pools and equipment produced by German and French companies.
Our trade partners are:
The direct contact with the producers allows us to offer very competitive prices for quality products produced in Germany and France.
At you will not find "cheap" and low-quality goods. We very much prize quality, therefore we carefully select our suppliers and we constantly supervise the quality of products.
Our own experience has convinced us in the correctness and the impeccable quality of our partners’ products: swimming-pools and equipment, sauna, Jacuzzi.
After training held in the "D&W Pool" company in Germany we specialized the following activities:
“There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey.”
John Ruskin
( 1819 - 1900)